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Alternative Urgency For New Aceh Politic

By Irwansyah Putra Psa 

Aceh after the election in 2009, which legitimized the Aceh Party (PA) as a parliamentary majority, even in some districts, are like Pidie, Pidie Jaya, Bireuen, East Aceh and North Aceh, PA was become singles positions majority on distric parliament. It did, not much to bring change, as people's (constituency) expectations . My observations, PA has not revealed the difference with the other parties, trapped parlementaria usual routine. Still limited taking care of "power" and "money", without a renewal of a brilliant idea for to discuss.

Recently, according to their promise during the campaign,--which would raise a fundamental policy for the welfare of the people under the Law on Governing Aceh (LOGA/UU-PA) in accordance with the Helsinky MoU, but almost a year, the policy was also never entities. Instead of fighting for UU-PA according to the MoU, we are actually on display are judged legislative deplorable act of mass, because wanton acts unbecoming. Of course that case, I do not mean to generalize for PA legislators, because there are also many people whom I met turned out to PA has a high commitment to achieve what was promised during the campaign. Nor, so far we have not shown the existence of a "typical policy", as way of PA can then be directed to the welfare of Aceh. .
Until now, I have not heard PA legistor to talk about the form of concrete plans for "self-government" of Aceh. Whereas "Wali Nanggroe" Dr.Tgk. Hasan Tiro, in His book "Atjeh Bak Mata Donja" provides straightforward explanations about it, in accordance with the science of demography,--that the population sector in a region will have increased two-fold within 20 years. it mean, if present, on 2010 the total population of 4 million people of Aceh, then the year 2030 will be 8 million, in 2050 to 16 million, in 2070 to 32 million so it goes. The Population is certainly not likely be inhibited.

Furthermore, the late "Wali" inspire us about what was prepared for the next generation of Aceh? now, with a population of 4 million people, the people still life in apôh-apah (distress), alôh-alah (squeezed) Rumoh tiréh (home of leakage), hana buët and hana peng (no job and money), mate-at listrèk siat (frequent power outages), even the bitter truth we hold served many generations of Aceh "forbidden" to get higher education because of the economic crush. What will happen when the Aceh people increased bulk?

Found the questions above. I became comfused, at the thought of Aceh face on twenty years later. and then, what will become of Aceh at the hands of a hundred years forward retainer of Government who have not prepared anything for it? Science fact, according to a count of the number of resident population one hundred years into the future of Aceh is estimated to reach 128 million inhabitants. Ire so that forces people like me for grilling, - reminding the authorities Aceh (executive and legislative), about what they have formulated for the welfare and prosperity? Because, until now the Long Term Development Plan (RPJP) Aceh still blurry alias does not exist at all, Aceh also had no blueprint and plans for future achievement step by step, as America, China, Europe and other countries prepare for the stage front of them since a century ago.

How kind, the Governor of Aceh Irwandi would bring to front gate of prosperity, as he touted over the years, while the practical policies that he make his government has not been correlated with levels of significance for future achievement. Exception of policy to moratorium logging only, whose implementation had not yet touched the core issues in forest management.
Aceh's rulers continue to trap yourself into a routine of government that is not different from the past --only able to spend the budget of the Government of Aceh (APBA) without any new programs that generate foreign exchange. Whereas 12 years in the future, determined to lose APBA Aceh between 3 to 4 trillion, which has been subsidized by 2 percent from the General Allocation Fund (DAU), the Central Government. If things like this still left, I can confirm, Aceh 20 years ahead will be far more poverty and backwardness, if not worse only a memory of the tsunami and the consequences of conflict.

Why Not National Parties?

Why in this paper, I did not touch the criticism to the national parties, Like Golkar, Democrat Party, PDI-P Party, PPP Party, PKS Party, PAN Party and others? Whereas in the past national parties also the ruler of Aceh. For that matter do I put the three main fundamental problems, why the "error" in managing national parties in the past is not important for the leverage. first; As national partieshas failed to make a better Aceh during their full power, although now they also still have power in some districts and provinces, second, because national partiesnot be "forced" to make a specific vision for the rebuilding of Aceh, where the party platforms and goals they are built to Indonesiaan. Third, that during his rule has failed Acehnese identity as something distinct and unique. We can not forget about the fact that no one of national partiest hat naturally express the idea of autonomy for Aceh, including the presence of people cheered as if it supports Aceh, after the Aceh people's along with other elements of the struggle to stop voicing a referendum and independence.

On the other hand, appeals to "democracy prevailing rates" in Indonesia, Aceh is just a small barn compared to the sound of East Java, West Java, Central Java and others. Aceh accounted for only 13 members of the House of Representatives, while the other provinces what I call the number that far exceeds the population of Aceh, - they gave a donation of 65 to 87 deputies. This means that any smart person who is sent to Aceh Senayan, certainly can not do much to fight for the rights of Aceh. When you have to deal with the interests of one province of East Java, just for example, a member of parliament of them reaching number 87 people.

In calculating the political logic, the parties are more political constituencies out of Aceh, it is not rational for them to give more attention to thinking about Aceh. With a reality like that, I do not think is right for the people of Aceh to discuss let alone put great expectations on the national party. In short, the only Acehnese that will determine their future themselves, not others.

Alternative Power Urgency

Natural law teaches us, when faced with a difficult condition, - a difficulty that then becomes latent, - individual (a) is the presence of the new hope of a better (alternative). Correlation with the discourse about the parties who has power, but has not been able to address the root cases of the people. Could have ascertained, in accordance with the laws of nature, people would still be waiting for the presence of other better alternatives.

Alternative power should be different. If no difference, he could not be 
accepted as an alternative. Clearly, the alternative is not the governing party, Local Party and National Party did local parties who appear only to capitalize on opportunities after the MoU, which was born first party with an ideology of waste, which has left his supporters in Eastern Europe, let alone "party hopper", or " mask-politics "of people who have been fed in the ring of power, then raise a new party - plus the new attribute, having lost the internal battle.

Alternatives may be born of self-adjustment process (metamorphosis) has ever rooted political, or other organizations can also, with full consciousness to give the answer to the root of economic problems, political, cultural, able to give a red thread Aceh-Jakarta relationship structure that is more " elegant "post-peace, besides it also has a blueprint of how to organize the future of Aceh in order to maintain the survival of the people in this endatu Tanoh hundred even millions of years.

I hope that, whatever he was, - that alternative power is coming soon, so swiftly negated the bad choices (which exist) are forced to swallow the people. Therefore alternative space should not be hampered by anyone, for he will grind the historical rate, --both co-opt people to the brink of no-peureumay seupay alias apathetic - and that once the plague of apathy that swept the country, Aceh will backrupt

The author is Leader of Youth Association of North Aceh
(IPAU) Banda Aceh
This article originally in Indonesia, titled "Aceh, Alternatif Politik dan Masa Depan" Here is a translation that is displayed using software google translate


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Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia
Dilahirkan di Gampong Pedalaman Aceh, Menempuh Pendidikan Sampai Tingkat SMA disana, Pindah dan Merantau Ke Banda Aceh. Saat ini berdomisi di Jakarta. Berminat pada kajian isu-isu sosial, ekonomi, politik. Bercita-cita Menjadi Pengusaha sekaligus politisi profesional Yang Senantiasa Akan Berjuang Untuk Mewujudkan Peradaban Yang Lebih Baik.